About the conference
The 18th Professor Aleksander Zelias International Conference on Modelling and Forecasting of Socio-Economic Phenomena is an annual conference organised by the Department of Statistics at the Krakow University of Economics and the Statistics and Econometrics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The main objective of the conference is to integrate the scientific community of Polish statisticians and econometricians and researchers from international institutes with whom they collaborate.
The conference also aims to establish new research directions and promote the dissemination of the results of the latest studies in the broad field of statistics, econometrics and economic forecasting conducted in Polish and international research centres.
Lastly, the aim of the conference is also to train young scientists, to present the results of their scientific and research work, to stimulate them, and to reward their work.
The Scientific Committee of the Conference will review the abstracts and decide if they qualify as oral or poster presentations. The main criteria for qualifying the abstracts will be the scientific value and relevance to the conference topics. Abstracts should not exceed half of the A4 page.
After the recommendation of the Journal Editors and the decision of the Conference Organizers, the Authors of selected conference presentations will be invited to submit their paper for publication in one of the following scientific journals:
- Argumenta Oeconomica, https://argumentaoeconomiue.wroc.pl/
- Statistical Review, https://ps.stat.gov.pl/
- The Polish Statistician, https://ws.stat.gov.pl/
- Journal of Public Governance, https://publicgovernance.pl/
- Cracow Review of Economics and Management, https://zeszyty-naukowe.uek.krakow.pl/
StatSoft Polska company has funded the Professor Kazimierz Zając Award for the best conference paper or poster presented by a young scientist (holding a master or doctoral degree).
- Theory of Statistics and Econometrics
- Forecasting and Prediction Methods
- Classification and Data Analysis
- Multivariate Analysis
- Statistical Learning Methods
- Labor Statistics
- Environmental Statistics
- Social Statistics
- Demography
- Medical Statistics
- Macroeconometrics
- Microeconometrics
- Energy Market Modeling
- Financial Econometrics
- Spatial Econometrics
- Financial Engineering and Insurance
- Applications of Mathematics in Economics
Language conference
Languages of the conference: English and Polish. Sessions in English and Polish will be held separately. The participants will declare the language choice
on the application form.